“Creating a future to which people want to belong”
Even more important than flying cars and personal jetpacks is the challenge of getting on with our fellow humans.
Our ability to love, be reconciled and live in harmony does not seem to have improved much in the past five hundred years. Such a contrast to the incredible progress made with mastering the physical universe.
Its time to give our intersubjective thinking the attention it deserves.
What is Intersubjective Thinking?
All meaningful knowledge is for the sake of action, and All meaningful action is for the sake of friendship John Macmurray Objective thinking is concerned with understanding how the world IS, independently of me and my subjectivity. The aim is to reduce the ‘human element’ (my subjectivity) as close to zero as possible. Subjective thinking is concerned with my experience of the world. I undoubtedly see the world in a unique way, but I can try to share my unique vision so that others may...
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