

the site author Peter Pearson, the story behind Thinking for Everyone and a few technical details 

View of Arthur's Seat

My Story 

Have you ever wondered why the world is getting smarter and dumber at the same time?

I don’t claim to be the best read or most intelligent person in the world, and at no point am I going to tell you what to think. There are quite enough people doing that online anyway.

But I have studied some great thinkers and spent a lifetime applying their insights into ordinary life. I am certain that there are some simple insights, which can be understood by everyone, which have been ‘hiding in plain view’ for too long.

A little about me. I was born in Edinburgh but grew up mainly in Hampshire, San Diego California and Berkshire. At the age of 18 I spent a year working in a school near Homa Bay in Kenya. 

After an MA in English at Oxford University I worked for three years with severely disturbed boys at a therapeutic community in Wiltshire. I took a Masters in Philosophy at Edinburgh and had a place to do a PhD in the Psychology department there, but instead decided to train as a primary school teacher. For thirty years I have worked as teacher, a Headteacher (Principal), facilitator of leadership development, coach, entrepreneur and writer.

Just as importantly, I’ve been a son, husband, father and friend; I’ve designed and helped build our house and garden in Somerset, UK. I love to read and travel, and I enjoy teaching English to guests from all round the world.

Understanding how we think in three different ways, and how our actions matter more than our thoughts, can have immediate benefits in improving our own lives, tackling challenging issues without hysteria and improving relationships.

Do come along for the ride!

About the site

For those technically minded, I decided to build this site myself using the Divi theme on WordPress. The majority of photos were taken by me or my wife Sue or son Sam: the remainder were in the public domain. Many photos feature the beautiful Somerset countryside where I live, others come from our travels.

Most of the photos are not technically perfect (although Sam’s may be), and I’m sure aspects of the design lack perfection as well. More important to me is that it is authentic. I encourage others to think for themselves and this involves at times accepting new challenges, pushing the boundaries and learning new skills.

This applies to me as well.

Please Subscribe and Share

As I go live with this project I am aware of a paradox. Our modern culture is incredibly visual and the best way to reach people is through visual social media like Instagram. There’s lots that is great about this, but it is not conducive to slowing down a little and taking time to actually think

I’ve worked hard to make important ideas as accessible as possible, but they can only be of benefit if they are engaged with and shared. If you are at all sympathetic to what I am doing here please do subscribe below and do share this site with everyone you know who may find it interesting. 

Thank you!






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